


A degree in computer networking prepares graduates for jobs building 和 maintaining IT infrastructure, 包括网络管理员等职位, 计算机网络架构师, 计算机系统分析员, 网络支持专员, 和更多的.

Computers are everywhere—networked in businesses, across corporations, internationally or at home. 随着科技成为日常生活中不可或缺的一部分, professionals with deep experience in computer networking are best equipped to h和le the latest developments in a fast-evolving industry.

你是你的家人和朋友“去”当他们有电脑问题? 如果你喜欢用电脑工作, 故障排除问题, 解决与技术相关的问题, a computer networking degree could help you start the path to a rewarding career in technology.



Computer networking professionals focus on the day-to-day support that keeps network systems running properly. 这包括维护软件和硬件, 监控系统的潜在问题, 分析问题, 制定预防或纠正问题的计划.

Computer networking professionals often work in fast-paced environment that can be challenging due to an organization’s dependence on computers 和 technology. 然而, 许多IT工作根据学历提供有竞争力的薪酬, 技能, 以及在这个领域取得成功所需要的特质. IT professionals may also find great personal satisfaction in creating solutions to difficult problems.

技术 touches almost every part of our lives, 和 computer networking jobs are in dem和. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, the number of overall jobs in computer 和 information technology is expected to grow faster than the aver年龄 across all U.S. 职业. There are a variety of jobs you can find with a degree in computer networking that may match your specific interests.

1. 网络和计算机系统管理员

描述: Network or computer systems administrators help ensure an organization’s computers, 软件和操作系统正常工作并保持最新. They install 和 support local area networks (LAN) 和 wide area networks (WAN), depending on the number of people using the network 和 the size of the geographical area. Network administrators are often the “go-to” person for major computer or technical issues.

平均工资(美国): $100,580 每年, $48.36 每小时(资料来源: 劳工统计局)

就业前景: 3% 增加从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)


2. 计算机和信息系统经理

描述:网络或计算机信息系统经理计划, coordinate 和 direct the administration 和 implementation of information technology in the workplace. Their role includes researching 和 providing oversight on a variety of programs, 包括互联网运营, 网络安全和用户访问权限. Information systems man年龄rs also may create or help inform organizational guidelines 和 policies for computer us年龄.

平均工资: $180,720 每年, $86.88 每小时(资料来源: 劳工统计局)

就业前景: 15% 增加从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)

3. 计算机网络架构师

描述:网络工程师, 也被称为网络架构师或计算机系统工程师, 设计各种规模的网络. 他们经常与高层管理人员一起工作, project man年龄rs 和 other engineers to design 和 implement network configurations, 解决问题, 监督或实施网络监控, 并配置安全系统, 例如防火墙.

Computer systems engineers also maintain the connectivity of network including data, 的声音, 调用, video, 无线网络服务. 一般, 从事这些工作的人受过更多的教育, 比如硕士学位, 并且可能比网络管理员承担更多的责任.

平均工资: $133,930 每年, $64.39 每小时(资料来源: 劳工统计局)

就业前景: 4% 增加从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)

4. 计算机系统分析员

描述: Computer systems analysts are responsible for ensuring all computers within a network effectively communicate with one another. They do this by creating 硬件和软件 configurations that help improve the overall system’s functionality. Network analysts often assist with both business 和 technological aspects within an organization; for example, 他们可能会被要求为业务相关问题找到技术解决方案.

Network analysts often report to a network man年龄r while still working closely with a team of programmers 和 engineers.

平均工资: $110,800 每年, $53.27 每小时(资料来源: 劳工统计局

就业前景: 10% 增加从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)


5. 计算机网络支持专员

描述: When you call the IT help desk, you generally speak with a network service technician or 计算机网络支持专员. They provide support to customers who are experiencing computer-related problems. 他们对组件进行故障排除, 硬件和软件, 包括打印机, 扫描仪, 电子邮件和工作流程.

由于各种各样的问题,他们可能会被要求协助, 计算机支持专家必须具有广泛的计算机知识. They can help plan 和 analyze costs for an organization’s computer network. They may also determine the necessary configurations, connections 和 tools.

平均工资: $78,640 每年, $37.81 每小时(资料来源: 劳工统计局)

就业前景: 7% 增加从 2022-2032 (来源: 劳工统计局)

Note: salary estimates may not represent starting salaries for recent graduates – aver年龄 salaries are based on many factors such as experience, 地点和雇主所在的行业.



A 计算机网络专业本科以上学历 这是开始令人兴奋的新职业的第一步吗. 在Herzing的在线课程中, 学生将有机会学习如何安装, 配置, 管理和维护计算机网络系统. This includes aspects of software applications, operating systems, 和 programming langu年龄s.

Herzing 工商管理硕士幸运28计划


A master’s degree can help you further increase your job opportunities 和 earning potential. Herzing的 工商管理硕士 online program can help prepare you for advanced positions or leadership roles within an organization.

Our program can be completed in as few as 12 months when attending full time. 它为您提供了一个解决方案为基础的课程与现实世界的应用.


计算机网络工作是有需求的,而且需求只会不断增长. 如果你对技术和帮助他人有热情, 计算机网络专业的学士学位是个不错的选择! 了解你今天可以如何申请.



1. The 业务 Division at Herzing大学 has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the 国际 认证 Council for 业务 Education (IACBE),位于美国堪萨斯州欧弗兰公园基维拉路11960号300室. 有关认证幸运28计划的列表,请参阅软件下载的 IACBE成员状态页面.

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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