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Have you ever heard the call to expand your career skills? 也许你想要充实你的简历,成为你所在领域的领导者. Earning your Master of Business Administration (MBA)学位可以推动你的职业生涯更上一层楼. It’s never a good idea to delay your professional growth, but if you are balancing a full-time job, face limited free time or juggle other responsibilities, you might also wonder, “Is now the right time for an MBA?” 

The short answer is YES! Now is always a good time to invest in yourself and your future.

在全职工作的同时获得MBA学位当然是一项艰巨的任务但它也是有益的,其长期效益远远超出了课堂. 成功的关键在于合理安排你的时间和精力, 正确地设定期望,诚实地反映你的带宽. How? Read on!

Six Strategies for Success

  1. Be realistic about time management. The secret to balancing a full-time job, a personal life, and a new educational commitment is time management skills. Talk to current MBA students, 指导顾问和你的家人,看看你现在和将来的生活可以处理什么样的时间表. 创建一个详细的时间表,包括具体的工作时间段, study, family, 放松——然后对这个时间表负责——是确保你在MBA课程中取得进步的一个聪明方法. Remember, many programs, including those at Herzing, 为学生提供灵活的选择,以帮助他们驾驭生活的各个方面. Consider how those programs can lead to greater success.
  2. Set achievable goals. Once you see how much time you can devote to an MBA program, consider how you can break it down into realistic goals, step-by-step. 有明确的目标会让你在每一步都保持动力和专注. 也许你可以用一份全职工作来管理业余学习,也许你可以做得更多. Consider all the ways a specialized MBA or general Master's 计划将意味着你的职业目标,并决定什么课程最适合你.
  3. Choose the right program for you. 有些MBA课程是为速成课程而设计的,而有些则更适合你自己的节奏. Some are in-person, and many are online. 找到最适合你的时间表和带宽的MBA课程对成功至关重要. Look into each program, 看看它是如何与你的长期职业目标以及你现在的生活方式相适应的.
  4. Research partnership opportunities and transferrable credits.  For some programs, like those at Herzing, 你可能有可转换的学分,或者可以用以前的工作经验来获得你的学位, saving time and money. Herzing的合作机会可以为您提供重要的新网络, access to industry resources, and even financial support. 利用这些伙伴关系可以提升你的整体MBA体验,并打开新的职业大门.  
  5. Let your employer and peers know. 一旦你决定攻读MBA,让你的雇主知道. 许多公司鼓励——可能还会投资——员工接受高等教育的愿望, especially if it has benefits to their own goals. Also, 在你的MBA课程中与其他学生建立联系可以成为一个有价值的支持系统,在那里你可以分享共同完成课程的挑战和见解.  
  6. Take care of yourself. 精疲力竭是真实存在的,对抗它的最好方法就是休息和恢复活力. 留出时间给自己充电,重新关注你的优先事项,为你的目标重新注入活力. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance 包括意识到什么时候你承担了太多,寻求支持,知道什么时候休息. Staying physically active, getting enough sleep, 与家人和朋友保持联系也有助于确保你在追求职业和学业目标的同时照顾好自己的健康.

Now is the best time to take the next step in your career. 探索荷晶灵活的在线MBA课程和学分转换课程,确保你的学习之路顺利成功. Herzing’s online Career Center 是否有大量适合你的课程信息和资源来帮助回答你的问题. Don’t delay you can do this!



* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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